Sunday, August 29, 2010

Out of the Ashes

Today was supposed to be the day that I completed my journey. As you can see from the lack of posting this summer things took a different direction. Training continued. Life became a jungle safari and I got lost several times. As a result of life, I could not get to Louisville in time to prepare and race properly. I needed to stay in Little Rock to get the next phase of life rolling.

I am proud of Ernie, Adiel, and Stephanie. Especially proud of Doc Lyle. He jumped in with both feet and never looked back. Distance was not as important as heart today.

This was a lost year as far as racing goes. Gary Taylor says when you get down to it, this is for fun while family is for real. I took that to heart every time I made a decision about races. Getting back on the Blog and racing horse. Before the week is out I expect to be signed up to  participate in Austin 70.3 so I can say I raced at least once this year.

Coach Biscay is ready to launch another year. I have a plan to race in New Orleans, Kansas, and either the full Vineman or Louisville. Vineman is looking like the goal because entry fee is less. I can use the left over money for travel. Wine Country is a great place for someone in the alcohol industry to get this done. Plus a week in SF after the race would be fantastic. It is my favorite city.

Going to do all I can to convince Doc Lyle to join me in some of these races. He will be swimming like a fish before next year is here. That IMLouisville swim was a trail for him and if you see him you should congratulate him. He looked alot of fear in the face and beat it. I hope I am as resiliant as he is when I need to be. He is a hero in a race just like he is in the NICU every day. Thanks for being my friend Doc!!!

Moving into a new house this week. Going to be setting up the training studio first thing. Will post pictures once everything is in place. Will be looking for the right treadmill soon. The computrainer/Movie Mania wall will be up and running within the week.

Have convinced Coach to put the next 90 days in as a big run block. I am going to do Austin but am hopefully going to convince Hillary to set-up my training block as though New Orleans is my first race. I will also be mixing in some Arkansas racing as well next year.

Will be back with a kids update soon.

Langley out

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